It was great to see so many of you come out for today's screening of Corso: the Last Beat and it seemed like the perfect way to bring our wonderful quarter together to a close.
Please post your reactions to the film as comments to this thread. I've decided to bump the deadline back a little, so let's say no later than 5:00 PM on Saturday. If you're not signed in through OpenID to comment, or if your identity isn't clear from your username, please make sure that you give your name with your comment.
Also, if you have any questions regarding the final essays, please feel free to e-mail me. While I'll be away this weekend, I'll try to respond as quickly as possible.
Countercultural Literature
ENGL 119 / Winter 2011 — Prof. Michael S. Hennessey, University of Cincinnati
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Week 10: Joyce Johnson's "Minor Characters"
Throughout the quarter, we've lamented both the absence of female authors and lead characters in the various Beat Generation writings we've been reading, along with the general attitudes exhibited towards women, which have ranged from indifference and neglect to outright misogyny. It's true that the Beat 50s and 60s were very phallocentric times, but in the decades since then many female voices have stepped forward to assert their important place in this time period — not just as wives, girlfriends and enablers, but also as writers. Chief among these revisionist historians is Joyce Johnson, whose National Book Critics Circle Award-winning memoir, Minor Characters (1983) is an important document of the Beat Generation's heyday from a female perspective.
A close friend of Allen Ginsberg's in New York City, Johnson (née Glassman) was set up with Jack Kerouac on a blind date by the poet, largely because he thought that she'd take good care of him. Only in her early twenties, she did just that for a few years, which coincided with the publication of On the Road and Kerouac's uneasy rise to international fame (or infamy). That's what a key portion of the book is about, however it's a terrible injustice to Johnson to treat her like some mere groupie — while she had famous friends, Minor Characters is far more importantly a story of how a woman might seek (and find) the same sort of ideological, spiritual, literary and sexual freedom that Beats did. Along the way, you'll also meet a few of her closest female friends, including Elise Cowan and Hettie Jones, who sought similar achievements, with varying levels of success. While most of our readings for our last week will be in Minor Characters, I'll provide a few supplemental texts from these women, as well as Carolyn Cassady (Neal's long-suffering wife Evelyn from On the Road).
Here's our schedule for the week:
Tuesday, March 8:
Thursday, March 10:
Here's our schedule for the week:
Tuesday, March 8:
- Joyce Johnson, Minor Characters, Foreword (xxxi) plus chapters 1-9 (1-158)
- Ann Douglas, "Strange Lives, Chosen Lives: The Beat Art of Joyce Johnson" (xiii)
- Joyce Johnson, "Beat Queens: Women in Flux" [link]
Thursday, March 10:
- Minor Characters, chapters 10-15 (159-262)
- Hettie Jones, "Babes in Boyland" [link]
Recommended additional texts (particularly if you're doing the final essay on Women and the Beats):
- Carolyn Cassady, "from Off the Road" [link]
- Hettie Jones, "from How I Became Hettie Jones" (excerpt 1) [link]
- Hettie Jones, "from How I Became Hettie Jones" (excerpt 2) [link]
And for those of you interested in more background info on Johnson, here are a few links to recent interviews:
Note: for those of you who want to cite the PDFs in your final essay, both "Babes in Boyland" and "Beat Queens: Women in Flux" are taken from The Rolling Stone Book of the Beats, ed. Holly George-Warren (Hyperion, 1999); the Carolyn Cassady excerpt and first Hettie Jones excerpt are from The Portable Beat Reader, ed. Anne Charters (Penguin Books, 1992) and the second Jones excerpt is from The Portable Sixties Reader, ed. Anne Charters (Penguin Books, 2002).
Final Essay Questions (due 5:00 PM, March 17th)
For your final essay, you'll respond to one of the following five prompts, which will allow you to analyze and synthesize our readings throughout the term through one of several broad frames (ideology, aesthetics, identity, gender and nationity). Within each question, you'll be required to decide upon a number of key ideas/concepts/characters (usually three) and then explore each with appropriate complexity, bringing a wide array of textual evidence into play to support your points. Before further discussing the nuts and bolts of your finals, here are the five prompts:
- As our readings throughout the quarter have demonstrated, the Beat Generation was as much an ideological movement as an aesthetic one. In particular a spirit of transgression pervades the work of our authors, whether that takes the form of socially-forbidden behavior (a sexually permissive attitude, homosexuality, use of alcohol and drugs, racial integration, etc.), political and religious attitudes out of step with mainstream conservative thought (pacificism, legalization of marijuana, anti-nuclear beliefs), or outright criminality. Explore three major types of transgressive behavior exhibited by the Beats, supporting each key concept with sufficient supporting examples. How do the authors view their own actions — do they acknowledge their wrongdoing or downplay it, taking issue with society's mores? Can you make any connections, either between authors or the types of transgression you address, drawing more general conclusions about the place of rule-breaking within the Beat ethos?
- As the question above acknowledges, in addition to ideological transgression, the Beat Generation was also a movement of great aesthetic innovation, proposing not only new potential subject matter, but also new modes of expression. From Kerouac's "spontaneous bop prosody" to Burroughs' cut-ups, the Beats embodied Ezra Pound's dictum, "make it new," in a variety of startling ways. Consider three literary techniques or styles employed by the Beats throughout their writing, providing copious examples from the texts themselves. In each case, evaluate the effectiveness of the technique, its appropriateness to the subject matter and spirit of the writing: does form follow function? does style get in the way of the message or augment it? What common threads do you see among the writers you discuss — are there general characteristics that you can consider emblematic of Beat literature?
- Neal Cassady is, in many ways, a vital catalyst for the Beat Generation — even though he left behind a sparse literary legacy (the unfinished autobiography, The First Third, and a series of letters), it's no stretch to say that if he never arrived in New York, befriending and captivating both Kerouac and Ginsberg, the Beats might never have achieved their full cultural potential. You've read Cassady's tracing of his own history, and seen the ways in which he's been depicted in On the Road and throughout Ginsberg's poetry, and drawing upon these sources, I'd like you to conduct a character analysis of Neal/Dean, exploring the complexities of his identity — his strengths and weaknesses, sins and virtues —paying special attention to the differences, the contradictions, between these portrayals. Is Cassady ultimately "a very interesting and even amusing con-man" as is alleged in On the Road, or does the turmoil of his childhood absolve him (or at the very least explain) his character flaws? You might wish to, though by no means are required to, frame your analysis of Cassady through Aristotle's characteristics of the tragic hero, adjusting or subverting the rubric as needed.
- Throughout the quarter, we've lamented both the absence of female authors and lead characters in the various Beat Generation writings we've been reading, along with the general attitudes exhibited towards women, which have ranged from indifference and neglect to outright misogyny. We'll address this issue in the last week of the term, with readings from Joyce Johnson and other female contemporaries of the Beats (Hettie Jones, Carolyn Cassady) who'll offer their own stories from the time period, documenting their search for ideological, spiritual, literary and sexual freedom, along with the pitfalls and benefits of living their lives outside of society's expectations for young women. Guided by these lessons, I'd like you to go back into our earlier readings and explore three female characters you find there — some potential candidates: Marylou, Evelyn, Helen Hinkle, Terry, Mardou Fox, Naomi Ginsberg, Elise Cowan — comparing their experiences with the first-person testimonies of Johnson, Jones and Cassady. In what ways are they liberated and how are they degraded by their male partners and society at large? Who emerges relatively unscathed and who pays the greatest costs?
- The Beat Generation is an essentially American literary movement, and many would argue, ultimately a patriotic movement — celebrating the heart and soul of American life and exploring the true breadth and diversity of its populace along with its natural grandeur — even if its authors might not agree wholeheartedly with mainstream American culture or morality. That having been said, it's curious that all of the authors we've read have benefited greatly from time spent outside the United States, and many of our readings have either taken place in international locales (including Mexico, Tangiers, Paris, London, Wales, South America, India and even Interzone) or were written there. Analyze the tensions between the foreign and domestic in Beat literature: how are places like Mexico City and Tangiers depicted by the Beats, and why are they so attractive to them? What dangers exist in these places, and what freedoms can be found there that aren't readily available in America? How does the Beats' interaction with these cultures and locales relate to their exploration of America itself and its various counter- and sub-cultures, its ethnic groups, its artistic scenes? Is the ideal base of operations for the Beats within or outside of America, and why?
Your final essays should be a minimum of six (6) pages (and by six pages, I mean that the text of your essay itself makes it to the very bottom of the 6th page, or better yet onto a 7th), and written in MLA style (including a proper header, parenthetical in-text citations and a works cited list at the end), double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman, no tricked-out margins, etc. You'll e-mail your papers to me (at hennessey [dit] michael [@t] gmail [dut] com) no later than 5:00 PM on Thursday, March 17 (get your essay out of the way so you can go out and drink a lot ... of wholesome milk ... without worrying). I will be meeting with my poetry workshop from about 1:30-3:30 that afternoon, but will have special office hours afterward (until about 5:00) so you can pop in with any last-minute worries or questions.
As I said in class on Thursday, while 6 pages seems like an endlessly long paper, I can assure you that it's not really a lot of space to discuss these topics in great depth, therefore I wholeheartedly encourage you to dispense with any and all filler, including bloated rhetoric and lengthy five-paragraph-style introductions that ultimately say very little while taking up a lot of word count. Don't hover over the surface of the issues — dive right in and get to the heart of your argument from the start. I also recommend that a) unless you have compelling reasons to do otherwise, organize your essay around the topics (characters/techniques/etc.) you've chosen to discuss, rather than proceeding chronologically or dealing with each author individually, and b) you write through the source texts themselves, rather than providing a general summary of an author's viewpoint then introducing a quote. For example, which of the following is a rhetorically stronger?
- "Kerouac believes that authors should '[w]rite what [they] want bottomless from bottom of the mind,' and this is made clear in On the Road when...," or
- "Kerouac believes that writers should be free to say whatever they want. He says 'Write what you want bottomless from bottom of the mind.' He does this in On the Road, too, when he..."
You should make full use of techniques like paraphrase and summary in addition to copious quotations from your source texts (and all three of these borrowings of others' ideas should be properly cited) and should also be able to deftly excerpt and/or alter quotations so that they more effortless fit with the flow and syntax of your prose (as in the first example above, where a capital letter is made lower-case and the pronoun is changed). We'll talk a little more about this, along with how to effective construct an argument and use evidence, in class on Tuesday.
If you're not familiar with the ins and outs of MLA format, the following two links might be of use to you:
If you're not familiar with the ins and outs of MLA format, the following two links might be of use to you:
- OWL (Online Writing Lab) at Purdue University, offers an extensive explanation of MLA style guidelines.
- The MLA Style Manual page on Wikipedia offers general guidelines as well.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Our Class Cut-Up
Was made using this cut-up engine, and using the following texts:
- Wisconsin governor raises stakes in union fight with threat of job losses
- Libya — The Protests (2011)
- Crab Nebula (Excerpt from Nova Express)
- Wainwright to have Tommy John surgery
Lohse, underwent surgery no recurrence of The Blazing Photo hot sky channels before he made group of people on television to long rambling address, Vietnam war in apartment he felt striking back in to other states a professional. But controlled by The situation that causes didn't contradict the thousand years ahead intend to outthink every state should many light years job losses would all their cities flesh and junk rage patterns and laundry write a support for Walker Trying to demonstrate the unions are when the surgery — (Like three before your mind does go under in immediately perpetrates the Brass and years of flesh Opposition forces in the state's 300,000 at the funerals apathy death — buildings in Tripoli, the club's sense Minraud — Purges (AFP), which is dead in the blue star continually his right elbow. five in National capital of Tripoli part of the four-year, $15 million more than 1,000 readily be seen spread to the tape recorder — Or some disgusting end the automatic past that up wires bringing a came after Colonel have turned time he has quietly procedure. And the as a fireside — Sput — east of the been killed since booths and sex not in all was the Cardinals' rule — the city of Zentan, And what does in 1969. But sex the color on our way tank full of An intricate bureaucracy Disposals — The the knife, his in other words the hottest regions brains are brought opposition forces had armed with gasoline strong. It's not has a 7-15 debut and in so forth — sky — Through the fuel and which redirects to on a slow Walker's common-sense reforms."the host walked as many as adopt Governor Scott are seen as city, to demand their first coordinated it every fucking in a standoff nation in North time as people is inviting people and tribal alliances and didn't back surround him but said the governor.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Week 9: Gregory Corso
For our final Beat Generation author of the quarter, we switch once more from prose to poetry, specifically the poetry of Gregory Corso. Our readings will be taken from the 1989 collection, Mindfield: New and Selected Poems, sadly the only comprehensive volume of Corso's poetry, even if it neglects his final twelve years of writing.
Corso's childhood was every bit as tough as Neal Cassady's. Abandoned by his mother (or so he thought) not long after his birth, and then abandoned again by his father (who shuttled him in and out of foster homes throughout the first eleven years of his life. While he was a talented student, in spite of these hardships, he soon ran afoul of the law, serving time for several thefts and break-ins throughout his teenage years, ultimately leading to his three-year incarceration in Clinton Correctional Facility from the ages of 16-19. It was here that Corso's life began to change for the better.
By sheer happenstance, Corso was placed in the cell that had just been vacated by the gangster Charles "Lucky" Luciano, and this had several positive consequences: Luciano had donated an extensive library to the prison so that he could keep up with his reading, and to facilitate this, he also arranged to have a special light installed so that he read into the wee hours of the morning. Protected by the hardened criminals (who saw the teenaged prisoner as a mascot of sorts) he began a long process of self-education — reading widely through Greek and Roman classical literature as well as the English canon — and started writing poetry, which became a salvation for him. Not long after his release, he met Allen Ginsberg at a lesbian bar called The Pony Stable and struck up a conversation, becoming fast friends. The rest, as they say, is history!

Those of you who've come out to any of the film screenings have had the pleasure of seeing Corso in the interview setting, and like many of the other Beats, it's a bit of an understatement to say that he's a character — both cantankerous and charming, the ex-con and freeloader with a heart of gold who can quote Keats and Shelley from memory. This tension between hyper-modern and clasical and Romantic influences makes Corso a unique voice among the Beats, and it'll be interesting to explore these dichotomies as we work through Mindfield. Here's our reading schedule for the week:
Tuesday, March 1:
Thursday, March 3:
Those of you who've come out to any of the film screenings have had the pleasure of seeing Corso in the interview setting, and like many of the other Beats, it's a bit of an understatement to say that he's a character — both cantankerous and charming, the ex-con and freeloader with a heart of gold who can quote Keats and Shelley from memory. This tension between hyper-modern and clasical and Romantic influences makes Corso a unique voice among the Beats, and it'll be interesting to explore these dichotomies as we work through Mindfield. Here's our reading schedule for the week:
Tuesday, March 1:
- Greenwich Village Suicide (3)
- In the Morgue (4)
- Sea Chanty (5)
- The Horse Was Milked (7)
- Requiem for ‘Bird’ Parker Musician (8)
- St. Luke’s Service for Thomas (14)
- Cambridge First Impressions (15)
- Botticelli’s ‘Spring’ (28)
- Uccello (29)
- On the Walls of a Dull Furnished Room (30)
- Italian Extravaganza (30)
- Birthplace Revisited (31)
- But I Do Not Need Kindness (32)
- Don’t Shoot the Warthog (34)
- I Am 25 (35)
- Three (36)
- Hello (37)
- The Mad Yak (38)
- This Was My Meal (39)
- For Miles (40)
- Last Night I Drove a Car (42)
- Notes After Blacking Out (47)
- Hair (51)
- Under Peyote (54)
- I Held a Shelley Manuscript (58)
- On Pont Neuf (59)
- Poets Hitchhiking on the Highway (60)
- Marriage (62): MP3
- Bomb (65)
- Allen Ginsberg, "Foreword: on Corso’s Virtues" (xi)
- William S. Burroughs, "Introductory Notes" (xv)
- David Amram, "Introduction" (xix)
Thursday, March 3:
- Dream of a Baseball Star (71)
- Giant Turtle (73)
- A Dreamed Realization (74)
- Paranoia in Crete (75)
- Clown (76)
- The Sacré-Coeur Café (85)
- From Another Room (86)
- Power (87)
- Army (93)
- 1959 (97)
- Happening on a German Train (105)
- European Thoughts—1959 (106)
- Writ on the Steps of Puerto Rican Harlem (115)
- Second Night in N.Y.C. After 3 Years (119)
- Writ on the Eve of My 32nd Birthday (120)
- Elegiac Feelings American (125)
- Lines Written Nov. 22, 23—1963—in Discord (140)
- God is a Masturbator (156)
- Columbia U Poesy Reading—1975 (161)
- I Met This Guy Who Died (169)
- How Not to Die (177)
- Many Have Fallen (182)
- Getting to the Poem (187)
- Spirit (190)
- The Whole Mess . . . Almost (199): MP3
- Feelings on Getting Older (203)
Gregory Corso passed away in January of 2001, and thanks to the intervention of his friends, he was buried, as he wished to be, in Rome, beside the grave of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Here are a few remembrances:
- The New York Times obituary [link]
- Robert Creeley announces Corso's death on the Poetics List [link]
- The Woodstock Journal's tribute to Corso [link]
And here are a few supplemental videos:
Corso reads from "Bomb" at the Rocky Flats Nuclear Plant
Corso in Rome, 1989 (part 1)
Corso in Rome, 1989 (part 2)
Corso teaches at Naropa
Final Film Screenings of the Quarter: March 3rd and 10th
Many thanks to all of you that have come out for our film screenings so far this quarter — I hope they've been both entertaining and enlightening. We have two final screenings scheduled for the end of the quarter and I hope you'll be able to make it to one or both. I'll create events for each on Facebook; please RSVP if you plan on attending, and don't forget that you're welcome to bring both food and friends (I'll bring some snacks as I've done for the past few screenings).
First, we'll meet at 5:00 PM on Thursday, March 3rd in our usual room (McMicken 46) to watch Gustave Reininger's marvelous documentary, Corso: the Last Beat (2009), which gives us our most contemporary look at the Beats' legacy, starting in the aftermath of the deaths of both Allen Ginsberg and William S. Burroughs in 1997, leaving Corso alone as the final living member of the Beat Generation's original quartet. As I've mentioned before, this film is not only a heartrendingly emotional portrait of the poet, but also an incredibly rare treat, as the film is not commercially available and it's only through the generosity of the director/producer Reininger that we're able to watch it. Here's the film's trailer to whet your appetite:
Then we'll reconvene at 5:00 PM on the following Thursday, March 10th to watch Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman's 2010 feature film, Howl (starring James Franco, John Hamm, Mary Louise Parker, David Strathairn and Jeff Daniels), which dramatizes both the inspiration and composition of Allen Ginsberg's most famous poem, "Howl," as well as its much-publicized obscenity trial. After ten weeks of experiencing the Beats factually through their own writings and a variety of documentaries, it will be a strange and interesting experience to get to see their lives and works turned into a work of fiction (albeit very factual fiction). Likewise, as Joyce Johnson's Minor Characters (our reading for the final week of class) will remind us, when real life becomes history certain people are included while others are left out, and this will be a key idea to bear in mind while watching Howl. Here's that film's trailer:
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Week 8: William S. Burroughs
As we near the end of the quarter, we'll be making a brief survey of the work of William S. Burroughs, using Word Virus: the William S. Burroughs Reader as our primary text.
An early mentor to the younger proto-Beats Kerouac, Ginsberg and Lucien Carr — he not only suggested books and authors that were radically different than their readings at Columbia, but also exposed them to the drug and criminal subcultures of New York's seedy underbelly — Burroughs had no real intentions of being a writer, but the his friends' persistent encouragement (Ginsberg's in particular) lead him to give it a try.
Ivy League-educated, and a world traveler by his mid-1920s, Burroughs who always seemed to find himself in trouble with authority, was drawn to philosophical questions of control and spent much of his career exploring that topic, whether through the guise of addiction, criminality, propaganda, media or deviance — all topics he knew well from first-hand experience — and in particular, his accidental shooting, in 1951, of his wife, Joan Vollmer, brought these issues into the forefront, unleashing "the Ugly Spirit" and charging him to use writing as a medium for his explorations. He wed the sharp analytic eye of a historian or anthropologist to a wildly experimental prose style, creating some of the 20th century's most challenging and innovative texts.
You'll notice a distinct difference between relatively-straightforward early prose like Junky and the excerpts from Naked Lunch, Nova Express, The Ticket That Exploded and The Soft Machine, as well as the handful of excerpts from Interzone, that you'll be reading this week. All of these texts were drawn from a large manuscript Burroughs produced in the aftermath of Vollmer's accidental death, called "The Word Hoard," or simply "WORD" — a vast series of "routines," (the author's term for the short vignettes that fill his work) which he would constantly revise, deconstruct and remix to produce new works. As a result, you'll likely notice a lot of repetitions and overlaps between the excerpts from Naked Lunch and the "Nova Trilogy" books, since, after all, they come from the same source.
Burroughs' primary means of reconstructing these texts was the "cut-up method," an experimental cut-and-paste practice devised by the author and Bryon Gysin in the late 1950s, which draws inspiration from, among other things, the Dadaist practice of automatic poetry, as formulated by Tristan Tzara. Here's a brief clip from a Burroughs documentary in which he describes the origins and methodologies of the cut-up technique. Take a few minutes to watch, and perhaps the work you'll be reading might make more sense:
It's also worth noting that Burroughs' writing is deeply-rooted in postmodern notions of "meta-fiction' — a practice in which form is almost as important as content. Getting a handle on what Burroughs is saying here is one thing to shoot for, but also pay attention to how he's saying it. He's taking chances with his writing, in terms of subject matter, but also in terms of the writing itself.
Those of you who're able to make it out to Thursday's film screening will get a lot of useful background information on Burroughs and his techniques, and thankfully the reader we'll be using also provides some helpful contextualization. Here's a breakdown of our Burroughs readings:
Tuesday, Feb. 22: Junky, Naked Lunch and related readings
- The Name is Burroughs (15)
- Personal Magnetism (23)
- Twilight’s Last Gleamings (24)
- from Junky (47)
- International Zone (121)
- from Naked Lunch (149)
- plus Ann Douglas, "Punching a Hole in the Big Lie: the Achievement of William S. Burroughs" (xv)
Thursday, Feb. 24: The Nova Trilogy to Exterminator! and beyond
- Dead on Arrival (184)
- Case of the Celluloid Kali (187)
- The Mayan Caper (193)
- Where You Belong (199)
- Uranian Willy (201)
- See the Action, B.J.? (202)
- Do You Love Me? (205)
- Operation Rewrite (208)
- The Invisible Generation (218)
- Last Words (225)
- So Pack Your Ermines (231)
- Shift Coordinate Points (232)
- Twilight’s Last Gleaming (239)
- Pay Color (240)
- Clom Friday (243)
- Who is the Third That Walks Beside You (256)
- Exterminator! (383)
- From Here to Eternity (394)
- Seeing Red (396)
- The "Priest" They Called Him (397)
Unlike Ginsberg, there aren't exact audio tracks to correspond with many of the readings, but I'm pasting a few files below to give you a taste of Burroughs' reedy, grim delivery.
- from "Twilight's Last Gleamings" (2:48): MP3
- from Naked Lunch (2:12): MP3
- from Naked Lunch (20:28): MP3
- from Junky (7:29): MP3
And here are some supplemental readings, followed by a few videos.
- The Paris Review: "The Art of Fiction #36: William S. Burroughs"
- Rolling Stone obituary and remembrance of Burroughs
- New York Times obituary
- NPR Feature on Naked Lunch's 50th Anniversary
- Burroughs on the cut-up method
- A cut-up engine, with which you can make your own texts
Much like Ginsberg, Burroughs would have close ties to the world of popular music throughout his career — he coined the term "heavy metal," and bands like Steely Dan, the Soft Machine and DJ Spooky, That Subliminal Kid all took their names from his writing. In later years, he collaborated with a diverse array of artists, from R.E.M. to Sonic Youth to Nirvana. Here's "The 'Priest' They Called Him," with musical accompaniment from Kurt Cobain:
Here's friend and collaborator Laurie Anderson's "Languge is a Virus," the title of which is a key tenet of Burroughs' writerly ethos:
Here's a recording of Burroughs reading "Last Words":
And here's a compendium of Burroughs' scenes in Gus Van Sant's Drugstore Cowboy (embedding is disabled)
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